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   Pretty,pleasant,curvy,hardworking,courageous and jovial are qualities that best describe young Nigerian Nurse and blogger Elizabeth Oke.The disabled young lady who has been confined to a wheel chair since 2008,after she was involved in a ghastly motor accident that left her paralysed is very happy and that is because she has the love of the most amazing man Amen in her life.They had been friends since childhood but he professed his love for her and became her boyfriend a year after her accident,even when she was already confined to a wheel chair. Elizabeth here shares her amazing story with her prince charming who has devoted over 5 years of his life loving and caring for her,finally proposing to her few months ago.Read her inspiring story of how he fell in love and proposed to her
"To share our proposal story is to tell you of the goodness of God in our life. This month of February  makes it 7 years of my dating anniversary with Amen (whom I fondly refer to as Le Boo for social media purposes.. lol).  Those of you who know us and have followed my story know that we started dating each other in our teenage years shortly after the car accident. This is not a post to gush about this man who is lucky to have me in his life... (Oh wait, did you think I was going to say something else?) Hahahah.... You must not know 'bout me.
, I keed I keed! Amen and I are so blessed to have each other and I honestly just cannot thank God enough for how far he has brought us. As most of you know by now, we're engaged.
After the proposal, I promised that I would share the proposal story, and you some people kept reminding me and asking for the story but life has been happening, and honestly I just preferred telling the story verbally more than I wanted to type it. So I stalled, and stalled and stalled.
Fast forward to about a month after the proposal, I was approached by the lovely people at Genevieve Magazine Nigeria for an interview on Le Boo and I's love life, and more importantly, for the proposal story. The interview was a series of phone conversation and it was also done via skype, so of course this was just the thing I needed because it meant somebody else would be doing the writing while I talk and talk away.  The interview was a success with the beautiful Torera. She made me feel at ease and was so kind and courteous despite our time differences.The proposal was a surprise to me, and I actually thought I was part of a plan to surprise a friend of mine (Sandra) for HER proposal.  Since I'm a photographer, my best friend (Faith) sought my advice on planning the perfect proposal for Sandra. I had questions but each of my question got answers that left me without suspecting this was fowl play. Over the course of planning the surprise proposal (that we told our friend would be a photoshoot for her - since she's been begging me for one), I would share details of the secret mission I was to embark on with my now fiance (a.k.a Le Boo). Little did I know that him and Faith and Sandra were in on the whole thing. Le Boo actually advised me on the location for where our "photo shoot/Sandra's supposed proposal" should be at, and I went ahead with his suggestion for the Mandalay Canal. It was the perfect spot for what ended up being MY proposal.

Those who know me know that I live for everything wedding, romance, love and photography. This was my zone, and I was excited to be making a friend's day. I was lowkey jealous of how much work my best friend was putting into another person's proposal, and I even made remarks like "When my own time comes, you better make sure you represent!! All I need is HALF of what you're doing for Sandra".

As I type this, I am remembering once again all the perfect lies the bestie told. LOL...DANG, that girl gave me no clues to work with son!! At a point, I remembered having a tiny inkling that this could very well be my proposal, BUT THE SPEED AND PERFECT DREAM KILLING SKILLS that the bestie possessed was nothing next to my "gut feeling". She point blank told me not to set myself up for failure! Also, everything lined up well enough that I was totally convinced Sandra was getting proposed to.
Honestly, I'm so glad everything went as it did. The proposal was a great moment, and I'm sure those of you still reading this are already tired of reading everything I'm typing.
In case you're curious, the part I started suspecting something , was when Sandra literally acted like it was normal for a guitar player to pop into her photoshoot and start singing about marriage. LOL...In my head I was like "this girl is not normal oo".
You see, I knew my boy CY would be there to sing and play (BTW, Thanks CY, you're going places), so I wasn't phased by his arrival.. however, when Sandra just kept posing for pictures, I started to suspect something wasn't normal. LOL.. Still, I was slow.. and I thought to myself "maybe Sandra is too shocked to react"... then my bestie calls me,  I look towards her and I saw my friend Tope coming towards me with a camera, slowly being followed by Lamar, Cece, and then LE BOO.

Right after seeing Tope, I KNEW THIS WAS MY PROPOSAL and the rest as they say, is history. One of  the best days of my life!
 Big Thanks to Sabrina who made the "Will You Marry Me?" Signs. She put great thought into it and made it as though it was written with nail polish from a polish bottle. I Loved these! And is it weird that I kept the card? Hahaha

Thanks to our family members as well. I'm trying to cover everybody in the THANKS, but let me just say I genuinely love everybody that made this a success and I want to thank you all SOOOO Very much. Yes even those of you who made our proposal picture go sorta-kinda viral! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Honestly, we are so blessed to have each other and I love Amen so very much that the only answer I could yell out when he asked me to marry him was "Of course I will" - right after I asked if my Dad knew that the proposal was happening. LOL....

Thankfully I am TheDIYLady, and they didn't catch my nails looking rough since it was a weekend. BUT the bestie later told me she had plans in case my nails would have needed pampering.
However, can you just imagine if my nails looked a mess though? Hahaha, the nail polish world would take ALL of my cards!

However, I'm still low-key mad my hair looked a mess and I cried like a baby. LOL... 

More importantly, A BIG THANK YOU to everyone both in real life and on social media for the love you have shown towards our love. My life has become a testimony and a message and I hope that beyond this "showcase of love", you can see the message I've always tried to pass across to everybody. God is good, life goes on, and God's got you!

Life is not always easy, and I have stories upon stories of how close I have come to GIVING UP, but at the end of the day, God uses somebody, or even speaks to me personally and HE helps me to remember  what his words says in 1st Corinthians 10:13 that:No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
culled from her blog thediylady.com.

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